Woodmont Kids Volunteers‬
  •  Who we are‬
‬‭ Woodmont Kids volunteers come from every generation from older‬ high school to senior adults. We are church members who have‬ passed a simple background check and are familiar with the church‬ policies. We are Believers in the Lord Jesus and committed to‬ passing down a vibrant faith, by God’s grace, to the next generation.‬
  • What we do‬
‭We create warm, safe, welcoming environments for all ages baby - 6th Grade during Sunday mornings, Wednesday evenings, and‬ special events. We are committed to safe ratios of adults to kids,‬ abiding by our church’s established policies, and always sharing the‬ Gospel with intention while children are here.‬
  • Why we want/need every generation to help‬
‭Children are part of the church, but unable to serve themselves in‬ the same way an adult in your class of adults can teach. Young‬ parents are incredible at helping, particularly in rotations and taking‬ turns with different classes, but based on pure numbers we cannot‬ expect them to do it all. Finally, we believe that the Church is‬ multi-generational for a reason. “One generation shall declare your‬ works to another.” (Psalm 145:4 - 6)‬ Come and be a part of serving the next generation here at Woodmont:‬

Please, read the descriptions and respond to let us know how you can‬‭ help. If you have any questions at all, contact Hope at‬ hwilliams@woodmontbaptist.org‬

Woodmont Kids Volunteer “Job Descriptions”

Sundays (all are rotation except BSC):‬

● Worship Hour Classroom Care (Most needed)‬
  • ‭These volunteers relieve the Bible Study Connection teacher and care for‬‭ children during the worship hour. Volunteers arrive at 10:10am to a room‬ with babies - 3rd Grade (preference is honored!)‬
  • ‭For rooms with Babies - One year old toddlers, teachers maintain care in‬ the classroom with an occasional stroller ride. They are tasked with‬ providing care, changing diapers, and being a positive, praying presence‬ for the children in the room.‬
  • ‭Rooms with 2 year olds - 3rd Graders - Volunteers help children finish‬ their snack time at transition. They walk children to “Large Group Time”‬ and help kids listen to the large group leaders. Afterwards, they return to‬ small group rooms for crafts and follow-up. The craft if prepared ahead of‬ time and you’ll receive a quick look email with a preview. After craft, these‬ ages free-play with a few prepared items for small group rooms until‬ parent pick-up.‬
  • Large Group Leaders‬
  • ‭Our children’s church hour’s content is led in 3 large groups‬
  • ‭ 2 & 3 Year Olds‬‭ Tot Spot‬‭ 30 minutes‬
  • ‭ 4 Year - Kindergarten‬‭ The Spot‬‭ 40 minutes‬
  • ‭ 1st - 3rd Grades‬‭ Gym‬‭ 55 minutes‬
  • ‭Each large group leader has a curriculum and prepares worship through‬ song, Bible content, games, and activities (except crafts - prepared by‬ someone else & done in small groups afterwards)‬
  • ‭Large group leaders have the classroom management help of several‬ other leaders, so their main focus is on the teaching.‬
  • Worship Hour Greeter‬
  • ‭This is a new role and highly needed during the 10am - 10:40am‬ timeframe. Volunteers will be stationed at the Welcome desk or Early‬ Elementary hallway and help families who are here for worship find the‬ right children’s classroom and gather all information needed. Help with any‬ teacher transition communication.‬
  • Worship Hour Coordinator‬
  • ‭This role serves by checking on all small group & large group leaders to‬ be sure they’ve arrived, have appropriate materials, and helps with issues‬ that arise in any room. Administrative skills and excellent communication‬ are helpful!‬
  • Bible Study Connections Teachers‬
  • ‭Each school year Bible Study Connections teachers commit to serving‬‭ with a specific age group for a period from August - July (school year and‬ the next Summer). We are so thankful for these who commit to regularly‬ teaching the same group of children each week. We use “The Gospel‬ Project for Kids/Preschool” curriculum for each age and it provides plenty‬ of activity and direction for what to teach. No classroom experience is‬ required, but a commitment to prepare, welcome a small group (around 8)‬ of kids, and be a supportive praying adult in these children’s lives. At all‬ ages we aim for faithful adults per group, but sometimes people serve‬ every-other week or on a bi-monthly basis. We have a coordinator who‬ equips teachers and we keep a good substitute list.‬
  • ‭Fill out your interest for Bible Study Connections anytime throughout the‬ year! We are usually confirming the next school year by March & August,‬ and a great place to start if you are interested is by substituting or helping‬ with worship care.‬
  • ‭BSC teachers arrive at 8:30am and are relieved for the worship hour by‬ 10:10am each week.‬

  • Greeter Help‬
  • These volunteers help run the check in desk and open the door for families upon arrival. Help needed from 5:15 - 6pm‬
  • Kids Choir Assistants‬
  • ‭We always need help with our larger preschool & elementary choirs,‬ especially around events and plays.‬
  • ‭Kids Choir Leader‬
  • ‭This is a year long, weekly commitment during the school year. We need‬ leaders willing to prepare the lesson (or assist the leader) with the 3 age‬ groups: Preschool, 5 Year - Kindergarten, and Elementary Choir.‬
  • ‭Mission Friends Leader‬
  • ‭Also a weekly commitment during the school year, Mission Friends‬ leaders are equipped with a curriculum and supplies. They prepare a‬ lesson for about 50 minutes after choir. Occasionally we have guest‬ missionary speakers and go on local field trips to be on mission.‬

Events & Ministry Team:‬
  • Events‬
  • ‭During Vacation Bible School, worship nights, Fall Festival, and other‬ seasonal family oriented events, we need help! If you select this role,‬ you’ll be placed on a list that receives updates about the plans for future‬ Woodmont Kids events and can choose to help with what you are able.‬ We believe that all ages are called to make disciples and every event will‬ be gospel centered, so join us!‬
  • ‭Ministry Team‬
  • ‭If you are interested in praying for and leading at a higher level regarding‬ children’s ministry programming at events, this team is here to serve‬ others. This team meets every other month to pray, plan, and evaluate‬ what the Lord is doing through Woodmont Kids. Once a year, more‬ members roll on and off the team, so please express your interest here!‬