Come and Behold - Forgiveness
“Come and Behold: The Forgiveness of God” Luke 1:5-25; 57-80
1. Blameless but Barren
2. Chosen by Lot and Chosen by God
3. Silence of Speech and Signs of Wonder
4. Preparing the Way for the Power of Salvation
1. What is something your father or another significant person has spoken over you that carries much weight in your life and legacy?
2. Zechariah was silent because of his lack of faith. What are areas in your life that you have lost faith in the All-powerful God interceding and doing the miraculous? What prayers did you once pray that surprise you now?
3. John means Yahweh is gracious. How does the role and calling of John the Baptist (preparing the way for Jesus) prove that God is gracious?
4. If you had a child that you knew would be ridiculed and rejected for preparing the world for the second coming of Jesus Christ, what do you think your reaction would be?
5. Describe the tender mercies of God in your life.