Woodmont and The Mission of God

Ephesians, Ephesians 5: 15-17


1. What and who did God use to lead you to Jesus Christ as your personal
Lord and Savior? (What: program, method, song, VBS, Sunday school,
etc.; Who: SS teacher, friend, family member, pastor, etc.). Share your
personal testimony with someone close to you.

2. Identify and describe positive attributes and qualities each of the following
age groups bring to a church's worship gathering: Ages 0-5; 6-10; 11-
18; 19-29; 30-45; 46-60; 61-75; 76 and up. How does a multigenerational
church witness to the unity of the Gospel of Jesus Christ? What can we
do as a church to build intergenerational relationships?

3. What obstacles to worship existed in the Old Testament/Covenant? How
did the sacrifice and resurrection of Jesus Christ eliminate obstacles so
that all people in all nations could come together and worship? What
obstacles do you often feel need to be overcome in your worship and
fellowship of Jesus?

4. What is the danger if the church pursues converts to Christianity but not
discipleship? How are the terms Christian and Disciple synonymous in
the New Testament?

5. Read Colossians 3:16-17. How can this passage preserve unity in a church in a time of transition?