Belt of Truth

Jul 14, 2019    Chad Hess

1. Truth as a Belt
a. Often neglected or ignored
b. Ties everything together
c. Supports the other weapons

2. Truth as a Person
a. John 14:6

3. Truth as Our Hope
a. 1 Corinthians 15

1. In your own words, explain what it means to “be strong in the Lord
and His mighty power.” Ephesians 6:10-20 describes the necessity of
the “full armor of God,” how does the language in this passage indicate
that we are in a battle and not just a playground?

2. The Bible says that Jesus was full of grace and truth (John 1:14b).
How can believers stand on the truth while walking in grace?

3. Read Genesis 3. How does the belt of truth relate to the Serpent’s
language in the temptation of Adam and Eve. What areas of Christianity
are looked at as fabrication or outdated? What areas of your
sin struggle reveal a reluctance to trust the Lord and put His word in
to practice as the belt of truth?

4. How can the church be tempted to follow existentialism/humanism
(find your own path or essence/meaning for living; “you do you”) in
the modern day instead of Christ? How are these two worldviews
opposed to the Christian worldview’s teaching to deny yourself, take
up your cross, and follow Jesus? (Luke 9)

5. How is the Christian joy and the belt of truth connected to one another?
How can equipping yourself with the belt of truth conquer
worry, fear, and replace them with faith and hope?